Read the explainer post for the project here.
- Organize my apartment/stuff/declutter
- Spend a month in Asia
- Create a minimalist wardrobe
- Eat at The Waverly Inn
- Drive down the entire West Coast
- Celebrate my birthday in Paris
- Save 10k
- Spend a month writing in New Orleans
- Take a class at Tisch
- Experiment with new clothes
- Make merch for Driftyland
- Take a falconry class
- Turn Driftyland into a zine
- Go to Greenland
- Publish Driftyology
- Learn how to use a sewing machine
- Learn how to ride motorcycle/scooter
- Take an art history class
- Fly an airplane ✅
- Take a digital illustration class
- Do a 10-mile hike
- Write and put on a play
- Spend a month at the cabin
- Visit Taiwan
- Paint 10 paintings
- Go to Japan ✅
- Get a new car/SUV
- Move back into Drifty House
- Have a personal library
- The Yellow Bedroom
- Do five cold/polar plunges
- Lucy
- Grow a wildflower garden
- The Orange Room
- Set up a Patreon
- Collect 50 thrifted items (not clothing or books)
- Five generations of one Sims family
- Publish a book of essays
- Grow my hair down to my waist
- Reduce my food waste and shop local
- Build an outdoor shower
- The Mint Room
- Get married in Argentina
- Visit Blackberry Farm
- No plastic kitchen
- Illustrate a children’s book
- See a show at Red Rocks
- Have a studio in my backyard
- See Ashley Monroe at The Bluebird Café
- Drifty House magic
- Reignite my acting career
- San Francisco
- Collect copper pots/pans
- Have two residences
- The Nutcracker
- Spend a month in Italy
- Go to Antartica (sustainably)
- Spend a month in France
- Clock 100 hours of yoga/pilates/physical activities
- Have a dutch door
- Get solar panels
- Live in Europe
- Go back to the secret spot
- Visit Hwuniki
- Own property in another country
- Collect and read 100 thrifted books
- Redo my kitchen
- Replace the siding on my house
- Write a restaurant book
- Visit every fishing village in Iceland
- Speak Ukrainian fluently
- Be a working anthropologist
- Visit 10 farm stays/eco-friendly hotels
- Visit Nairobi
- Visit Morocco
- Try 100 varieties of cheese
- Work for an aquarium
- Collect 50 bottles of perfume
- Visit 100 libraries and bookstores
- Stay at 10 fancy hotels with Sunny
- Publish 100 of my photos
- Visit all 50 states
- Visit five deserts
- Get published in 5 major magazines
- Watch 100 films
- Visit 10 animal sanctuaries
- Visit 50 locally owned hotels
- Visit 100 countries
- Write 100 letters
- Have a writer’s retreat once a year
- Visit 50 islands
- Refine my art collection
- Offer a DL scholarship
- Visit 100 small towns
- Visit 100 beaches
- Take a river cruise
- Collect 50 of my own Christmas ornaments
- Take five long rail trips
- Have a pet bird
- Go to 100 events